
Conference “Focus On: Haemorrhodal Disease”, 20 May 2023, Bergamo

On 20 May THD was at the Congress Center Giovanni XXIII to participate in the conference Focus On: Hemorrhoidal Disease.

On 20 May THD was in Bergamo at the Congress Center Giovanni XXIII to participate in the conference “Focus On: Hemorrhoidal Disease” in cooperation with the Società Italiana Unitaria di Colonproctologia (SIUCP). 

More than 50% of male and female population aged over 40 years suffered at least once in their life from conditions related to hemorrhoidal disease. The event, addressed to specialists and general practitioners, offered to participants an overview on the current available approaches for the diagnostic, therapeutic and surgical management of these disease. 

During the conference, Dr. Claudio Pagano MD illustrated the THD® Doppler for Anolift procedure for the minimally invasive surgical treatment of hemorrhoidal disease.
