
THD Webinars in September

In September THD organized 8 online courses dedicated to different diagnostic and surgical procedures.

In the month of September, THD organized 8 online courses dedicated to different diagnostic and surgical procedures: three on THD® Doppler procedure held by Dr. Pasquale Giordano and Dr. Amine Sinacer, two on Endoanal Ultrasound Imaging by Dr. Marco La Torre, one on HRA by Prof. Cavazzoni, and two dedicated to Anorectal Manometry held by Dr. Alex Leo and Prof. Cavazzoni.

During the three webinars on the THD® Doppler surgical procedure, addressed to Italian and foreign surgeons, Dr. Pasquale Giordano and Dr. Amine Sinacer explored the technical steps of the THD® Doppler method and presented the THD® Anolift technique.

While on 13 and 27 September during the Endoanal Ultrasound Imaging courses, Dr. Marco La Torre illustrated the features of endoanal ultrasound imaging of the pelvic floor and its different applications.

On 9 and 12 September, Dr. Alex Leo and Prof. Emanuel Cavazzoni focused on Clinical Anorectal Manometry for the precise assessment of the anal sphincters and rectum functionality. They presented the basic steps of this examination performed with THD® Anopress.

In the same month, Prof. Cavazzoni explored High Resolution Anoscopy and its different applications during a dedicated webinar addressed to Italian surgeons.

In September THD webinars saw the participation of 71 surgeons from different countries.
